Causes, types, signs and solutions – hearing loss affects all ages.
Hearing loss typically develops gradually and the signs can be subtle
It is important to have your hearing assessed by an audiologist as part of your yearly check-up.
Refers to a permanent type of hearing loss resulting from insult to the hair cells of the cochlea (sensory organ for hearing) and/or damage to the auditory nerve. This can be caused by noise exposure, aging, infection (e.g., meningitis), genetic factors (e.g., family history, syndromes), illness and ototoxic medications.
This type of hearing loss cannot be treated medically or surgically. People with sensorineural hearing loss benefit from hearing aid amplification.
Refers to any hearing loss that is caused by reduced transmission of sound to a healthy cochlea. This can be caused by blockage of the ear canal (e.g., ear wax buildup, atresia) or dysfunction in the middle-ear space (e.g., perforation of the eardrum, otitis media, otosclerosis).
Conductive hearing loss can often be medically managed with medication or surgery. Should medical management be unsuccessful, hearing aid amplification is often recommended.
Refers to hearing loss exhibiting both sensorineural and conductive characteristics.