Not sure which personal FM/DM system is right for you?

Our audiologists can provide information about all available personal FM/DM systems based on individual needs.

Personal FM/DM Systems

Improves listening abilities for individuals with hearing loss or with difficulties listening in noisy environments.

A personal FM/DM system consists of a transmitter and one or two receivers.

The transmitter is worn by the main speaker, while the receivers are worn by the listener. Depending on individual needs, a personal FM/DM system can be worn with hearing aids or without. These systems are effectively used in difficult listening environments, such as classrooms, churches, lecture halls, and restaurants.


FM transmitter device


An easy-to-use wireless teacher microphone which improves speech-in-noise performance. Often recommended for academic settings.

table mic device

Roger Table Mic II

Roger Table Mic is a microphone dedicated for working adults who participate in various meetings. It selects the person who’s talking and switches automatically between the meeting participants.

pass-around mic

Roger Pass-Around Mic

A microphone designed to enhance classroom discussions so that not only teachers, but all students can be heard clearly. Must be used in connection with the Roger Touchscreen Transmitter.


3 pin receiver device

Integrated/3-pin Receivers

Part of the FM/DM system required to receive the microphone input and transmit it to the wearer through their hearing device.

Roger MyLink device

Roger MyLink Receiver

A universal neckloop receiver compatible with hearing aids, cochlear implants or bone-anchored devices with a T-coil.

blue Phonak hearing aid

Personal Ear Level Receivers

These receivers are recommended for individuals with normal hearing who have difficulty hearing in noise/auditory processing difficulties. They help to improve focus/attention and the clarity of a speech signal, especially in a noisy environment.