Three Hearing Problems & How to Avoid Them

Muffled sounds, pain, discharge, and ringing in the ears are all symptoms of three common hearing problems experienced by Edmontonians. Please continue to read to learn more about them and how to avoid them.

Hearing Problem 1

Damage Due to Excessive Noise

Whether you’re in a city like Edmonton or the oil patch, excessive noise can cause permanent damage when the auditory neural system, membranes in the cochlea (inner ear), and/or hair cells in the ear are damaged. Unlike with a bad haircut, this hair does not grow back, and you can lose 30-50% of your hair cells before a test can measure a hearing problem. Furthermore, hearing loss can continue even after the exposure has stopped.

What is Excessive Noise?

Normal conversation ranks at 60 dB

Harmful sounds exceed 85 dB

Examples of excessive sound levels include:

  • Lawnmower                            90 dB
  • Heavy Truck 7 meters away    100 dB
  • Rock Concert                           120 dB
  • Ambulance Siren                     120 dB
  • Jet engine                                140 dB

Preventative Actions:

It’s important to remember that the longer your exposure to excessive noise is, the worse the damage can be. Therefore:

  • wear ear protection like earplugs or ear muffs
  • take sound/silence breaks by leaving the noisy area
  • Follow the 60-60 rule when listening to a device with headphones:
    • Stop at 60% of the device’s volume and only listen for a maximum of 60 minutes a day

Hearing Problem 2


Ear infections are caused when bacteria enter the ear canal through swabs or any other object that is inserted into the ears. Infections can also be caused by trapped water inside the ears.

Preventative Actions:

To help prevent ear infections in Edmonton and elsewhere:

  • leave your ear wax alone; ask your doctor or audiologist to clean it out if it is bothersome
  • do not insert anything into your ears
  • clean your earplugs before and after each use
  • Remove water from swimming or bathing by tilting your head from side to side and gently tugging on your ear lobes; alternatively, wear custom-fit earplugs when your head is in water

Hearing Problem 3


This annoying hearing problem is often called “ringing in the ears,” but it can also include buzzing, roaring, clicking, hissing, or humming. It can be a result of exposure to loud sounds, hearing loss, degeneration of hair cells in the ear, other ear problems/diseases, high blood pressure, and/or medications.

Preventative Actions

It can be challenging to prevent tinnitus, but healthy habits like regular exercise, a balanced diet, and limiting alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine go a long way to help prevent it. Other preventative actions include:

  • seeking treatment from an audiologist for hearing loss
  • asking your doctor or pharmacist about the possibility of your medication causing tinnitus use of
  • seeking help for head and neck injuries
  • visiting a medical professional if you suspect an ear infection, build-up of earwax, or any other hearing problem

Hearing Maintenance

Visiting an audiologist for routine hearing tests and examination of your ears is a good preventative action for any hearing problems. In Edmonton, call Wild Rose Audiology Clinic. Our team of audiologists has been caring for Edmonton’s hearing for 30 years.